April 1997 CG00000-011503 REV. A B-1


The Additional Sense Code (ASC) and the Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASCQ) are described in

Table B-1 by Sense Key and in Table B-3 by ASC/ASCQ. These are the ASC and ASCQs returned in

bytes 12 and 13 of the error code sense formats described in paragraph 8-3.1 on page 8-4. The sense

keys, which are mapped to the ASC/ASCQs, are described in Appendix A. The Advised Action column

indicates action codes which are described in Table B-2.

Table B-1. ASC and ASCQ Description (by Sense Key)

0 00 00 No additional sense available 7
00 01 Filemark detected 7
00 02 End-of-Medium detected 7
00 04 Beginning-of-Medium detected 7
A0 xx Internal Software Error: Unsupported ERPA code xx encountered by error process-
ing software. Report ERPA code to Product Support Engineer. 9
1 00 17 Clean Requested. NOTE: This ASC/ASCQ can only be generated when feature
mode FT5, bit 5 (0x20) is set to one as described in the configuration settings in the
M2488 User’s Guide.
0C 00 Recovered write error 3
17 01 Recovered read data with retries 3
44 00 Recovered internal hardware error 3
5B 02 Log counter at maximum 6,3
A0 xx Internal Software Error: Unsupported ERPA code xx encountered by error process-
ing software. Report ERPA code to Product Support Engineer. 9
2 04 00 Logical unit not ready, cause not reportable 5,4
04 01 Not ready, in process of becoming ready. NOTE: This ASC/ASCQ can only be gen-
erated when feature mode FT4, bit 5 (0x20) is set to one as described in the config-
uration settings in the M2488 User’s Guide.
04 03 Load assistance required 5
3A 00 Not ready, medium not present. NOTE: This ASC/ASCQ can only be generated
when feature mode FT5, bit 4 (0x10) is set to one as described in the configuration
settings in the M2488 User’s Guide.
53 00 Unload failure 5
53 01 Unload failure 5
300 00 No additional information 7
00 02 End-of-Medium detected 1
04 00 Manual unload and buffered write data exists 5,2
04 03 Load assistance required and buffered write data exists 5,2
0C 00 Write error 2
11 00 Unrecovered read error 2
14 04 Block sequence error 2
30 00 Incompatible medium installed - attempting 36-track writes over 18-track data
away from BOT 1
30 02 Incompatible format 1
33 00 Tape length error 1
53 00 Load failure occurred and buffered write data exists 5, 2
53 01 Manual unload failure occurred and buffered write data exists 5,2