If the printer is capable of printing any font at any pitch (CPI), then this PFS should set the pitch for the current font. If a specific font is needed to achieve 5 CPI, then this PFS should be defined to select that font.
If the RES CPI= option (under FMTINFO: for the output port) is set to
Print 8 characters per inch in portrait orientation. This PFS is sent to the printer when the 5250 OPTIMA’s page orientation algorithm has selected a portrait orientation, and when the System has requested a font with a pitch of greater than 5 but less than or equal to 8 CPI (using either an SCS Set Character Density command or an SCS Set FID through GFID command).
If the printer is capable of printing any font at any pitch (CPI), then this PFS should set the pitch for the current font. If a specific font is needed to achieve 8 CPI, then this PFS should be defined to select that font.
If the RES CPI= option (under FMTINFO: for the output port) is set to
Print 10 characters per inch in portrait orientation. This PFS is sent to the printer when the 5250 OPTIMA’s page orientation algorithm has selected a portrait orientation, and when the System has requested a font with a pitch of greater than 8 but less than or equal to 10 CPI (using either an SCS Set Character Density command or an SCS Set FID through GFID command).
If the printer is capable of printing any font at any pitch (CPI), then this PFS should set the pitch for the current font. If a specific font is needed to achieve 10 CPI, then this PFS should be defined to select that font.
If the RES CPI= option (under FMTINFO: for the output port) is set to