Interfacing Xerox Printers
Before using these twinax port options, it is recommended that the user
become familiar with the issues discussed in Appendix A  Interfacing
Xerox Printers. These options are also available for alternate host input
ports, but they are used only for diagnostic purposes.
To change the settings for these options, at the appropriate twinax address
on the OPTEDIT main screen, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the
words Xerox Special:, and press ENTER. The screen will display the
following list of Xerox Special Options along with their default/current
Translate UDK Char=Translate UDK to Esc
PFS Suppression=Suppress PFSs in XES jobs
FF Suppression=Suppress FFs in XES jobs
Suppressed FF to NL=Suppressed FF is Removed
XTL Suppression=Use XTL Commands
Job Start Change FF=Job restarts are passed
Metacode TRN Usage=Normal TRN usage

UDK Character Translation

This option is useful only for twinax addresses receiving XDPM/XES data
streams, and it determines whether the OPTIMA or the printer will
perform UDK character to Escape character translation.
To define this option, use the arrow keys to move the cursor on the Xerox
Special Options screen to the words Translate UDK Char= (Translate
UDK to Esc is the default), and press ENTER. The following choices will
be displayed:
Translate UDK to Esc
Dont Translate UDK
Translate UDK to Esc will cause the OPTIMA to perform the UDK
translation. This is useful for resolving UDK character conflicts that can
sometimes be caused by the OPTIMAs dynamic data routing.
Dont Translate UDK will cause the OPTIMA not to perform the UDK
character translation, but to pass any =UDK= UDK character assignments
to the printer.