Cache coherency is an issue one must consider when placing a DMA controller in an Intel386 DX microprocessor system. Because the DMA controller has access to main memory, it can potentially introduce stale data. As was mentioned before, stale data can be avoided in the following ways:
oImplementing bus watching (snooping). In this approach, the DMA controller writes to main memory, and the cache controller monitors DMA cycles and automatically invalidates any cache location altered by DMA.
oImplementing a transparent cache, in which memory accesses from both the Inte1386 DX microprocessor and the DMA controller are directed through the cache.
•Restrict DMA cycles to
The first method has a distinct advantage: since the DMA controller does not access the cache directly, the Intel386 DX microprocessor can read from the cache while the DMA controller is moving data to the main memory. Although bus watching is difficult to implement in a discrete cache design, the 82385 integrates this function and performs zero waitstate bus watching. The overall memory bandwidth is increased since the Intel386 DX microprocessor can access its cache at the same time as the DMA control- ler accesses main memory.
The second approach has the advantage of requiring minimal hardware, but has the disadvantage that the Intel386 DX microprocessor must be placed in HOLD during DMA transfers. The third approach is useful if a separate,
The cache system example described in this section illustrates some of the decisions a cache designer must make. The requirements of a particular system may result in differ- ent choices than the ones made here. However, the issues presented in this section will arise in the process of designing any cache system.
7.6.1 Example Design
The cache system uses a