The 82380 Integrated System Peripheral is a
• High performance
8 independently programmable channels
32 megabytes per second data transfer rate at 16 MHz
40 megabytes per second data transfer rate at 20 MHz
Capable of transferring data between devices with different bus widths
Automatic byte assembly/disassembly capability for
Buffer chaining capability for transferring data into
15 external, 5 internal interrupt requests
82C59A susperset
Individually programmable interrupt vectors
-82C54 compatible
•Programmable Wait State Generator
-0 to 15 wait states for memory and I/O access cycles
•DRAM Refresh Controller
-Refresh request always has the highest priority among the DMA requests
•Inte1386 DX microprocessor Shutdown Detect and Reset Control,
-Software and hardware reset
•Optimized for use with the Inte1386 DX microprocessor
Resides on local bus for maximum bus bandwidth
A cache memory subsystem provides fast local storage for frequently accessed code and - data. This results in faster memory access for the microprocessor· and reduces the amount of traffic on the system bus.