DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
555-233-506 Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1464Recorded Announcements
When attendants control calls, called parties cannot use Pull Transfer. Attendants
who are called parties cannot use Pull Transfer. When attendants have parties on
hold they are transferred with the standard transfer process.
To use Pull Transfer, callin g parties and called pa rties mu st be on the same switch,
or called parties must be reached via Italian TGU/TGE tie trunks.
Called parties using analog telephones flash the switchhook or press the fla sh k ey
or recall button to transfer calls. Called parties using digital phones press the
transfer key to complete transfers.
Analog Station Recall Operation and Feature Activation
When called parties initiate either analog-telephone recall or feature
activation, callers are not put on hold for transfer, they are transferred via
Pull Transfer.
BRI telephones
Callers using BRI Stations reach desired parties through an intermediate
step by calling a party who calls a final destination. Intermediate parties
activate pull transfer to complete transfers. Final call ed parties go off hook
as if a new transfer was originated.
Call Detail Recording
The switch checks to ensure that calls are correctly recorded with CDR
when Pull Transfer is completed.
Digital Station Transfer Operation
When called parties initiate transfer operations, callers are not put on hold
for transfer; they are transferred via Pull Transfer.
Non-BRI telephones:
Callers using Non-BRI telephones reach desired parties through an
intermediate step by calling a party who calls a final destination. Each
called party activates pull transfer.
Recorded Announcements
You can record announcements for peopl e to he ar when t he y c all i n to you r of fice.
For example, you can let callers know that their call cannot be completed as
dialed, that their call is in queue, or that all the lines are busy.
You can record announcements on external devices, such as answering machines,
or on special announcement circuit packs that are integrated with your switch.