
$ create bridge static mcast vlanid 7 mcastaddr 00:30:4F:00:00:01 recvport 0 egressports 10 forbidegressports 20 SKIP 1




Verbose Mode On



Entry Created



VLan Index

: 7

Mcast Address : 00:30:4F:00:00:01

Egress ports

: 10


Forbidden Egress ports : 20


Verbose Mode Off:



Entry Created



Output Fields:









VLan Index

The VLAN id for this VLAN. In devices supporting "Shared Vlan for


multicast" capability, the information for a multicast MAC address is


shared across VLANS. Hence, vlanid is optional and can be passed


as zero or a valid vlanid value. In devices supporting "Independent


Vlan for multicast" capability, each vlan can have its own information


for a multicast MAC address. Hence, VLAN id is a mandatory


parameter and a valid value of vlanid must be passed. For the case


when the attribute "McastDeviceCapabilities" of MO "sysSizingTable"


has value "none", VLAN id is not required. This feature is not


supported for VLAN with vlanid as


GS_UNREGISTERED_VLANID.VLAN here means the 802.1q Vlan


in case of Native Vlan mode and Virtual Vlan in case of Stacked Vlan






Mcast Address

The destination multicast MAC address in a frame, to which the


filtering information of this entry applies.



Egress ports

The set of ports, to which frames received from a specific port and


destined for a specific Multicast MAC address must be forwarded. A


port may not be added in this set if it is already a member of the set of


ports in ForbiddenEgressPorts.



Forbidden Egress ports

The set of ports, to which frames received from a specific port and


destined for a specific Multicast MAC address must not be forwarded,


regardless of any dynamic information. A port may not be added in


this set if it is already a member of the set of ports in EgressPorts.