flow for packets coming on VLAN Id <X>. The other mode for the database is SRD( Shared Routing Database) where there is a single RID in the system and all flows map to this RID.

This RID has to be explicitly created and no more than one RID can be created in the system in this mode. Flows for all created VLANs shall map to this RID for routing. A value of RID as 0 has a special meaning. RID value 0 refers to management RID and all entries created in context of RID value 0 shall be for routes related to the management/control. In Stacked Vlan Mode the Vlan Corresponding to RID is Virtual Vlan while in Native Vlan mode this is normal Vlan(C-VLAN).

Type: Create Mandatory

Delete Mandatory

Get Optional

Valid values: 1 - 4095


$ create rid static rid 1


Verbose Mode On

Entry Created

RID : 1

Verbose Mode Off:

Entry Created

Output Fields:






RID refers to the Routing Information Database.


This database contains information about the


routes in the system. Each RID identifies a flow


and defines route related information for that


flow. The RID defines a flow based on the VLAN


Id. The database can be of 2 types, IRD


(Independent Routing Database) where there are


more than one RIDs in the system and each RID




IDL series User Guide