ADSL ATUC Unavailable Seconds
ADSL Unavailable Seconds Threshold hit - This trap indicates that unavailable
ADSL Severely Errored Seconds Threshold hit - This trap indicates that severely errored
Aggregator Interface Up - This trap indicates that the aggregator interface is
operationally up.
Aggregator Interface Down - This trap indicates that the aggregator interface is operationally down.
The OP state of ADSL line <interface name> has changed from <previous status> to <current status>- This trap indicates the change in the operational
status of the port.
ADSL ATUR Loss of Frame Threshold hit - This
trap indicates that Loss of Framing
ADSL ATUR Loss of Frame | - This trap indicates |
that | |
ADSL ATUR Loss of Signal | - This trap indicates |
ADSL ATUR Loss of Power
ADSL ATUR Errored Seconds
ADSL ATUR Loss of Power Threshold hit - This rap indicates that Loss of
ADSL ATUR Errored Seconds Threshold hit - This trap indicates that
Errored Second
ADSL ATUR Rate Changed
changed (RADSL mode only).
Port binding status changed - This trap indicates that the port on which the mac address has been learned has changed.
Port binding status changed - This trap indicates that the port on which the tracked MAC address is being received has changed.
Port binding status learnt - This trap indicates that the particular mac address has been received for the first time. This trap will also be received if the tracked MAC address is received from an existing port and the port from
632 | IDL series User Guide |