Valtype U8U16U32

This field specifies value type of the entry. The value type for all


entries on an interface should be same. Value type should match


value type of matchingenlist nodes in case a tree attached on


same interface. It should be 'U32' in case a rule containing IP


subrule or Generic subrule with cmptype as InGenList or


NotInGenList is attached on same interface. Currently only 'U32'


value is supported.Create -- Optional.


Create -- Optional




$ create clfr list genentry Ifname eoa-1 value 0xAC1901AA valtype u8


Verbose Mode On

Entry Created

If Name : eoa-1

Value : 0xAC1901AA

Value Type : U32

Verbose Mode Off:

Entry Created

Output field:





If Name

Name of ethernet, eoa, ipoe or pppoe interface, for which the


classifier generic list is created. Valid values for the field are


between EOA-0 and EOA-23 or between eth-0 and eth-1or


between IPOE-0 and IPOE-191 or between PPPOE-0 and






List Entry Value, of the classifier generic list



Value Type

This field specifies value type of the entry. The value type for all


entries on an interface should be same. Value type should match


value type of matchingenlist nodes in case a tree attached on


same interface. It should be 'U32' in case a rule containing IP


subrule or Generic subrule with cmptype as InGenList or


NotInGenList is attached on same interface. Currently only 'U32'


value is supported.