available for ADSL and ADSL2plus)



Delt QLNMTus

The DELT-related parameter that provides the number of


symbols used to measure the upstreamQLN (f) values.


(Not available for ADSL and ADSL2plus)



DELT Last Tx State

The DELT-related parameter that provides the last


successful transmitted initialization state by the ATUC.


(Not available for ADSL and ADSL2plus)



Delt SnrmtUs

DELT-related parameter that provides the number of


symbols used to measure the upstream SNR(f) values.


(Not available for ADSL and ADSL2plus).



DELT Curr Status

Current Status of Atuc Line in DELT Mode



Delt HLINpsus

The DELT-related parameter that provides an array of


complex upstream Hlin (f) values in linear scale. (Not


available for ADSL and ADSL2plus)



Delt HLOGpsus

The DELT-related parameter that provides an array of


real upstream Hlog (f) values in dB. (Not available for


ADSL and ADSL2plus)



Delt QLNpsus

The DELT-related parameter that provides an array of


real upstream QLN (f) values in dB. (Not available for


ADSL and ADSL2plus)



Delt DMT Bin SNR

The DELT-related parameter that provides an array of


real upstream SNR (f) values in dB. (Not available for


ADSL and ADSL2plus)



Signal Atn(dB/10)

DELT-related parameter that provides the upstream signal


attenuation (length = 4 bytes). (Not available for ADSL and






Indicates the Result of the Parametric Test conducted on


the Xcvr.



Parametric Info

Conexant parameter that indicates the Parametric Test






Number of bits per bin for the bin indexed by this element


of the string. The 0th element contains the number of bits


for bin 0 through to the 31st element, which contains the


number of bits for bin 31. The range of expected values is


from 0 to 15 bits per bin.