| snooping or proxy reporting for the IGMP messages, |
| received on a Vlan. Here the Vlan which is being |
| referred is the one on which learning will happen. It will |
| be multicast vlan, if "Multicast Vlan option" is enabled. |
| Igmpsnoop ingress Priority | This parameter specifies the ingress priority to be forced |
| on the incoming frame. If the ingress priority field has |
| valid value, then that value will be used for traffic class |
| determination and packet priority. If valid egress priority |
| is configured for a port, then egress priority shall override |
| the ingress priority. In addition, there is support of invalid |
| value for ingress priority to indicate that the priority is not |
| to be forced on ingress frame for this port.Here the Vlan |
| which is being referred is the one on which learning shall |
| happen. It will be multicast vlan, if "Multicast Vlan option" |
| is enabled. |
| Directed ARP status | This specifies whether ARP packets received on this |
| VLAN are to be directed to a single port using (VLANId, |
| IP address) to bridge port mapping learnt using DRA. |
| This attribute is effective in conjunction with the attribute |
| 'gsvDot1dPortDirectedARP' of 'Dot1dBasePortExtTable' |
| MO. ARP packets are to be directed as mentioned |
| above, only if both the flags are enabled. If any of the |
| two is disabled, the ARP packets will be forwarded as |
| per the normal bridging flow. |
| DARPFailedHandling | This specifies the action to be taken on an ARP packet |
| received on this VLAN for which it is not possible to |
| determine a single port using (VLANId, IP address) to |
| bridge port mapping learnt using DRA. If the value is |
| drop, the ARP packet will be dropped. If the value is |
| Transparent Forwarding, the ARP packet will be |
| forwarded as per the normal bridging. If the value is |
| FloodTrustedPorts, the ARP packet will be forwarded as |
| per the normal bridging, but only on ports that are |
| trusted. |
| DRA Bcast To Ucast | This Parameter is used to configure whether DHCP |
| broadcast packet received for this vlan will be converted |
| to unicast packet or not. |
| BNG MAC address | This is used to configure BNG Mac address of this |
| VLAN. If VLAN is configured to convert DHCP broadcast |
| packets to Unicast packets,then this MAC address is |
| used as destination MAC address. |
| 670 |
| IDL series User Guide | |