srcportto <srcportto-val

End port number of the range of source port numbers. This field and


'srcportfrom' specifiy a range of TCP source port numbers if 'srcportcmp'


is either 'inrange' or 'exrange'


Type: Create -- Optional


Modify -- Optional


Default value: 65535




Start port number of the range of destination port numbers. This field is

<dstportfrom-val >

invalid if 'dstportcmp' is 'any'. This field and 'dstportto' specifiy a range of


tcp destination port numbers if 'dstportcmp' is either 'inrange' or 'exrange'


Type: Create --Optional


Modify --Optional


Default value: 0



dstportto <dstportto-val

End port number of the range of destination port numbers. This field and


'dstportfrom' specifiy a range of tcp destination port numbers if


'dstportcmp' is either 'inrange' or 'exrange'. Otherwise this field is invalid


Type: Create -- Optional


Modify -- Optional


Default value: 65535



srcportcmp eq neq lt

Source port comparison type

leq gt geq any

Type: Create -- Optional

inrange exrange

Modify -- Optional


Default value: any



dstportcmp eq neq lt

Destination port comparison type

leq gt geq any

Type: Create -- Optional

inrange exrange

Modify -- Optional


Default value: any



subruleprio low high

This specifies the priority of the subrule. Based on this priority value, the


subrule is created in fast or slow memory. In case priority is specified as


'asinrule', subrule priority will be same as specified in the rule.


Type: Create -- Optional


Modify -- Optional


Default value: asinrule



transporthdr ethernet

This specifies the type of the transport header in the packet in which the


corresponding IP is being transported. If the value of this field is 'Ethernet',


then the IP is being carried in the Ethernet header. If it is 'PPPoE', then


the corresponding IP is being carried in the PPP header.


Type: Create -- Optional


Modify -- Optional


Default value: Ethernet