Output Fields:






Ifindex of the type Adsl port Count of the number of Loss of


Framing failures since agent reset.



Perf Valid Intervals

The number of previous 15-minute intervals in the interval table,


for which data was collected. (length = 4 bytes)



Perf Invalid Intervals

The number of intervals in the range from 0 to the value of


"adslAtucPerfValid-Intervals", for which no data is available. This


object will typically be zero except in cases where the data for


some intervals are not available (e.g., in proxy situations). (length


= 4 bytes)




Count of 1-second intervals containing one or more loss of signal


(LOS) defects. (Not available for ADSL)




Performance Data : Total time elapsed in seconds


Total elapsed seconds in the intervals – Curr15Min, Curr1Day


and Monitored seconds in Prev1Day



LOFS (sec)

Performance Data : Count of number of Loss of Framing failures


since agent was reset.


Curr15Min/Curr1Day/Prev1Day : Count of seconds in the


current 15-minute/ current 1-day/ previous 1-day interval, when


there was Loss of Framing.



LOSS (sec)

Performance Data : Count of number of Loss of signal failures


since agent was reset.


Curr15Min/Curr1Day/Prev1Day : Count of seconds in the


current 15-minute/ current 1-day/ previous 1-day interval, when


there was Loss of signals.



LOLS (sec)

Performance Data : Count of number of Loss of link failures


since agent reset.


Curr15Min/Curr1Day/Prev1Day : Count of seconds in the


current 15-minute/ current 1-day/ previous 1-day interval, when


there was Loss of link.



LPRS (sec)

Performance Data : Count of number of Loss of power failures


since agent was reset.


Curr15Min/Curr1Day/Prev1Day : Count of seconds in the


current 15-minute/ current 1-day/ previous 1-day interval, when


there was Loss of power.



ES (sec)

Performance Data : Count of number of errored seconds since


agent was reset.


Curr15Min/Curr1Day/Prev1Day : Count of errored seconds in


the current 15-minute/ current 1-day/ previous 1-day interval.