5.9.9 ADSL ATUC Trap Commands5.9.9.1 Get adsl atuc traps


This command is used to get.

Command Syntax:

get adsl atuc traps [ifname <interface-name>


$ get adsl atuc traps ifname dsl-0






: dsl-0



Lofs Thresh Trap : 0

Loss Thresh Trap

: 1

Lols Thresh Trap : 0

Lprs Thresh Trap

: 1

ESs Thresh Trap : 1

Init Failure Trap

: 1

Rate Change Trap : 0

Gs OpState Trap

: 1

PM State Trap

: 2

Command Failure Trap : 2

Output Fields :
















The IfIndex of DSL port.





Lofs Thresh Trap


Loss of Framing 15-minute interval threshold reached (length = 4 bytes).




Loss Thresh Trap


Loss of Signal 15-minute interval threshold reached (length = 4 bytes).




Lols Thresh Trap


Loss of Link 15-minute interval threshold reached (length = 4 bytes).




Lprs Thresh Trap


Loss of Power 15-minute interval threshold reached (length = 4 bytes).




ESs Thresh Trap


Errored Second 15-minute interval threshold reached (length = 4 bytes).




Init Failure Trap


ATU-C initialization failed. Refer to adslAtucCurrStatus for potential reasons



(length = 4 bytes).






Rate Change Trap


The ATU-Cs transmit rate has changed (RADSL mode only) (length = 4 bytes).





Gs OpState Trap


Op State change (length = 4 bytes).





PM State Trap


PM state change trap used for ADSL2/ADSL2plus PM operation. This trap is not



valid for ADSL mode.




Command Failure Trap

When the APIs fail to send a customer command to the DSP, the customer is



notified by a new trap and they need to re-issue the command.







IDL series User Guide