





This specifies whether the control plane binaries are to be


fetched from the network or the binaries already present in

NVRAM are to be used.


Type : Optional



Default value: Binary present in NVRAM.




This specifies whether the data plane binaries are to be


fetched from the network or the binaries already present in

NVRAM are to be used.


Type: Optional



Default value: Binaries present in NVRAM.




This specifies the boot configuration – the


<lastbackupcleanminimum> source, from which to boot up.


The boot configuration is set to last automatically, whenever


a commit command is given. The boot configuration being an


optional parameter, if it is not specified, it retains the previous


value. So giving reboot after a commit will result in a reboot


from the committed configuration.


Default: Use Default factory configuration while booting up.


Backup: Use the Backup configuration to boot the system.


Last: Use last committed configuration to boot the system.

config <networkdefault

Minimum: Use a configuration in which:


• the size command is executed.


• the user (login name and password as root) is created.


• an Ethernet interface with IP address mask is created.


Clean: The system comes up with nothing configured.


Network: The system fetches the default configuration file


from the remote host and system comes up with this default


configuration, fd.cfg.


Type : Optional


Default value: If a reboot is being given for the first time,


then the default value is default. Otherwise, the default value


is the same as what was given the last time.




IDL series User Guide