4.1.3 How to create myconfig.cfg

zmyconfig.cfg is a txt file that ensures all commands be executed at once.

z4.1.3.3 shows the format of myconfig.cfg.

zIf there are many configurations you would like to execute then you can write all commands into myconfig.cfg and then execute it at once.

zBe note to save ($commit) to IP DSLAM if this would be executed after rebooting.

zRequired of equipment: TFTP Server (Tftpd32). TFTP Server Configuration

Step Image




1.Click “Browse” bottom to indicate current directory of firmware.

2.Click down-arrow bottom to indicate IP of DHCP Server.

3.Assign starting address for IP pool.

4.Input subnet mask

5.Save input parameters.

6.Press “Setting” bottom to configure more details


7.After assigned this parameter and reboot Tftpd32 that “Current Directory” at previous step will follow it.


IDL series User Guide