$ create irl profile profilename gold irltype trtcm cir 1000 cbs 400 pir 2000 pbs 12000 conformaction colorgreen exceedaction coloryellow violateaction drop
Output field:
Field | Description |
Profile name | Profile name uniquely identifies an IRL profile in |
| the system. String of up to 64 characters ( 'A'- 'Z', |
| |
| characters excluding ';'. |
Profile Type | This field specifies the type of IRL. Two type of |
| IRLs are supported. Single Rate Two Color Marker |
| (sr2cm) and Two Rate Three Color Marker (trtcm). |
CIR(kbps) | Committed Information Rate of the IRL in kbps. |
| This field is valid for both sr2cm and trtcm type of |
| profiles. The value of this field cannot be more |
| than PIR. |
CBS(bytes) | Committed Burst Size of the IRL in bytes. This field |
| is valid in both sr2cm and trtcm type of profiles. |
| The value of this field cannot be more than PBS in |
| case of trTcm. |
PIR(kbps) | Peak Information Rate of the IRL in kbps. This field |
| is valid only for trtcm type of profile. The value of |
| this field cannot be less than CIR. |
PBS(bytes) | Peak burst size of the IRL in bytes. This field is |
| valid only for trtcm type of profile. The value of |
| this field cannot be less than CBS. |
Conform action | Color type to be applied for conforming packets. |
| This field is valid in both sr2cm and trtcm type of |
| profiles. |
Exceed action | Color for exceeding packets. This field is valid only |
| for trtcm type of profiles. |
Violate action | Color type to be applied for violating packets. This |
| field is valid in both sr2cm and trtcm type of profiles |
zIRL Commands
538 | IDL series User Guide |