
$ create irl profile profilename gold irltype trtcm cir 1000 cbs 400 pir 2000 pbs 12000 conformaction colorgreen exceedaction coloryellow violateaction drop


Output field:





Profile name

Profile name uniquely identifies an IRL profile in


the system. String of up to 64 characters ( 'A'- 'Z',


'a'-'z', '0'-'9','-','_') and any combination of printable


characters excluding ';'.



Profile Type

This field specifies the type of IRL. Two type of


IRLs are supported. Single Rate Two Color Marker


(sr2cm) and Two Rate Three Color Marker (trtcm).




Committed Information Rate of the IRL in kbps.


This field is valid for both sr2cm and trtcm type of


profiles. The value of this field cannot be more


than PIR.




Committed Burst Size of the IRL in bytes. This field


is valid in both sr2cm and trtcm type of profiles.


The value of this field cannot be more than PBS in


case of trTcm.




Peak Information Rate of the IRL in kbps. This field


is valid only for trtcm type of profile. The value of


this field cannot be less than CIR.




Peak burst size of the IRL in bytes. This field is


valid only for trtcm type of profile. The value of


this field cannot be less than CBS.



Conform action

Color type to be applied for conforming packets.


This field is valid in both sr2cm and trtcm type of





Exceed action

Color for exceeding packets. This field is valid only


for trtcm type of profiles.



Violate action

Color type to be applied for violating packets. This


field is valid in both sr2cm and trtcm type of profiles




zIRL Commands


IDL series User Guide