Max Nom AtpPsd(dB/10)

: 125

Rate Adaptation

: fixed



: Inp0



Upstream PSD Mask :








[ 0]





Output Fields:

















The ADSL line interface name, whose profile is to be modified or

















Rate Adaptation

Defines what form of transmit rate adaptation is configured on






this modem. Refer to ADSL Forum TR-005 for more information.











Target Snr Margin(dB/10)

Configured Target Signal/Noise Margin. This is the Noise Margin






the modem must achieve with a BER of 10 to the power -7, or






better, to successfully complete initialization.











Max Snr Mgn(dB/10)

Configured Maximum acceptable Signal/Noise Margin. If the






Noise Margin is above this, the modem hould attempt to reduce its






power output to optimize its operation.












Sets the correction time for the upstream interleaved buffer. RS






can also be disabled.











Dnshift SnrMargin(dB/10)

Configured Signal/Noise Margin for rate downshift. If the noise






margin falls below this level, the modem should attempt to






decrease its transmit rate. In the case that RADSL mode is not






present, the value will be 0.











Upshift SnrMargin(dB/10)

Configured Signal/Noise Margin for rate upshift. If the noise






margin rises above this level, the modem should attempt to






increase its transmit rate. In thecase that RADSL is not present,






the value will be 0.











Min Upshift Time(sec)

Minimum time that the current margin is above UpshiftSnrMgn






before an upshift occurs. In the case that RADSL is not present,






the value will be 0.











Min Dnshift Time(sec)

Minimum time that the current margin is above UpshiftSnrMgn






before an upshift occurs. In the case that RADSL is not present,






the value will be 0.











Fast Min Tx Rate(bps)

Configured Minimum Transmit rate for 'Fast' channels, in bps.






Also refer to 'adslAtucConfRateChanRatio' for information






regarding RADSL mode and refer to ATU-R transmit rate for






ATU-C receive rates.











Intl Min Tx Rate(bps)

Configured Minimum Transmit rate for 'Interleave' channels, in


















IDL series User Guide