Modify Optional


Valid values: 1 - 4094


Default value: 4094




Start service priority tag of the range of priority tags. Invalid, if the direction


of the rule for which this subrule is being created is 'out'. This field is invalid


if 'etherhPrioTagCmpType' is 'any'(7). This field and the etherPriorityTagTo


field specify a range of priority tags, if 'etherhPrioTagCmpType' is either


'inrange'(8) or 'exrange'(9).In native mode configuring this parameter will


result in error. Type: Create Optional


Modify Optional


Valid values: 0 - 7


Default value: 0




End service priority tag of the range of priority tags. Invalid, if the direction


of the rule for which this subrule is being created is 'out'. This field and the


etherhPriorityTagFrom field specify a range of service priority tags, if


'etherhServicePrioTagCmpType' is either 'inrange'(8) or 'exrange'(9).


Otherwise this field is invalid. In native mode configuring this parameter will


result in error.


Type: Create Optional


Modify Optional


Valid values: 0 - 7


Default value: 7



servicevlanidcmp eq

Service VLAN Id comparison type. This field must be ‘any (7)', if

neq lt leq gt geq

etherhPrioTagCmpType is not equal to ‘any (7)'In native mode configuring

any inrange exrange

this parameter will result in error.


Type: Create Optional


Modify Optional


Default value: any



servicepriotagcmp eq

Service Priority tag comparison type.This field must be ‘any (7)', if

neq lt leq gt geq

vlanidcmp is not equal to ‘any (7)'.In native mode configuring this

any inrange exrange

parameter will result in error.


Type: Create Optional


Modify Optional


Default value: any




$ create filter subrule ether ruleid 1 subruleid 2 srcmacaddrfrom 00:01:02:03:04:05 srcmacaddrto 00:01:02:03:04:10 dstmacaddrfrom 00:02:03:04:05:11 dstmacaddrto 00:02:03:04:05:15 ethertypefrom 0x0800 ethertypeto 0x0810 vlanidfrom 2 vlanidto 5 priotagfrom 2 priotagto 5 dsapfrom 0xf0 dsapto 0xff ssapfrom 0xf0 ssapto 0xff srcmacaddrcmp inrange dstmacaddrcmp exrange