Delete sched profile info


Use this command to delete.

Command Syntax:

delete sched profile info name <name-val>







Name of the scheduling profile


Type: Create Mandatory

name <name-val>

Delete Mandatory


Modify Mandatory


Get Optional




Scheduling algorithm of the profile. Currently only


Proabalistic Priority is supported over ethernet and custom is


supported over ATM. In Proabalistic Priority algorithm, the


traffic class parameter determines the probablity with which


its corresponding queue is served when it is polled by the

algo pp custom

server. In Custom algorithm, user shall have flexibility to


assign minimum rate, maximum rate, and excess bandwidth


sharing weight for classes and the scheduling shall be done


based on these parameters among classes.


Type: Create -- Optional


Default value: pp




The type of the interface Ethernet/ATM port for which the

iftype eth atm

scheduling profile is applicable.


Type: Create Mandatory




$ create sched profile info name gold algo pp iftype atm



Output :





Verbose Mode On





Verbose Mode On





Entry Created





Profile Name

: gold




Scheduling Algorithm

: pp

Interface Type : eth



Verbose Mode Off:





Entry Created












IDL series User Guide