seqid <seqid-val >

Sequence Id of the sequence


Type: Create -- Mandatory


Delete -- Mandatory


Modify -- Mandatory


Get – Optional


Valid Values: 1-65535

ruleid <ruleid-val >

Rule Id of the rule


Type: Create -- Mandatory


Delete -- Mandatory


Modify -- Mandatory


Get -- Optional


Valid Values: 1-65535

orderid <ordered-val >

This field indicates the order of the rule in the sequence. The default value


for this field will be same as the ruleid of the entry.


Type: Create -- Optional


Modify -- Optional


Valid Values: 1-65535


$ create filter seq entry seqid 1 ruleid 1 orderId 1


Verbose Mode On

Entry Created

Sequence Id : 1

Rule Id : 1

Order Id

: 1


Verbose Mode Off:


Entry Created


Output field:











Sequence Id


Sequence Id of the sequence






Rule Id


Rule Id of the rule






Order Id


This field indicates the order of the rule in the sequence. The




default value for this field will be same as the ruleid of the entry.






zGeneric filter related commands


IDL series User Guide