subrules is all ANDed.



Action Value

The parameter should contain valid value for some actions that


require an additional input, other than setprio, retagprio, and


retagserviceprio actions. For sendtocontrol and copytocontrol


actions this parameter should contain control flow id (0-3). Other


values are invalid for this action. For modifytos action this


parameter should contain value to be set in TOS field in the packet


in the range 0 to 255. Other values are invalid for this action. The


application of this value is dependent on the mask parameter. For


setbaclevel action this parameter should contain valid Buffer


Admission Control level value of 0 or 1. For pktvlanid, retagvlanid,


pktservicevlanid and retagservicevlanid actions this parameter


should be filled with VLAN ID value in the range 1 to 4094. For


ratelimiter action this parameter should be filled with the valid


user-defined flow type value. For mirror action this parameter


should be filled with valid mirror context id. This parameter is


ignored for other actions. Specifying an invalid value for an action


would result in error when the rule is enabled.



Action Mask

This field is valid for sendtocontrol, copytocontrol and modifytos


actions only. For sendtocontrol and copytocontrol actions this


parameter should contain trap level 0xffffffff (trap disabled) or


0x00000000(trap enabled). Other values are invalid for this action.


For modifytos action, only lower 8-bits are taken into consideration


and other bits are ignored. In the mask if a bit location contains 1,


then the corresponding bit in the TOS field is overwritten with the


corresponding bit in action value. In the mask if a bit location


contains 0, then the corresponding bit in the TOS field remains





5.13.22Filter rule map Commands5.13.22.1Get Filter rule map


Use this command to get.

Command Syntax:

get filter rule map [ifname <interface-name> all alleoa alleth allpppoe

allcpe allipoe] [stageid <stageid-val>] [ruleid <ruleid-val>]