The MGC WebCommander is a
Using MGC WebCommander, users with the appropriate permissions can:
•Create and schedule new meetings
•Send conference details via
•Monitor On Going conferences (including conferences scheduled in the Microsoft Outlook application using the MGC Personal Scheduler
•Create and manage conference templates
•Define new participants and add them to the database
•Modify the parameters of a participant assigned to a conference or stored in the database
•Assign participants from the database to a Conference template
•Add and delete participants to/from an On Going conference
•Delete a Conference template and participants from the database
•View the participants and conference status
•Connect and disconnect participants
•Change video layouts or set the conference to the Automatic layout selection mode
•Mute and unmute participants audio and video
•Extend the conference duration
•Lock or unlock the conference
•Terminate the conference prior to its scheduled end time and more