Workflow Builder
Hot folders on mapped or shared drives and resources
To work properly, full access for the hot folder must be granted to XDL_ADMIN, particularly if the hot folder is on a mapped drive. XDL_ADMIN passwords must match client and server.
Hot Folder submission with and without the Unlimited User Conversion License
If you do not have the Unlimited User Conversion or the 100 User license, and you are submitting an image file via a hot folder:
•The file attachment is sent as high resolution and can be viewed, but not printed or edited.
•For saved/encrypted files from FreeFlow 5.0, PDF encryption is removed when you save via a Save or JDF export node, or when you view the PDF via the Review node.
See also:
Unlimited User Conversion option
Setting up a watermark in an email attachment
Limitations when setting up directories as input/output hot folders for more than one feature
Within Process Manager, users can set up directories as input/ output hot folders for Process Manager Hot Folders (for job submission), QuarkXPress file conversion, and Third party external processes. When setting up a directory as an input or output hot folder, make sure that it is not being used as a hot folder for either of the other two features, by visiting their corresponding dialogs.
The system does not currently perform conflict checking across these different features.
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