Workflow Builder
5.Select [Show job submitter the settings file name only. Settings details will be hidden] to display only the Settiings File drop box to job submitters. All other dialog features are hidden.
6.Select [Always use these settings] to prevent users from modifying the settings. The settings will appear in the Workflow Submission Client controls but will be grayed out and unchangeable.
7.Select [OK] to accept the changes or select another tab and continue configuring.
To configure the Color settings
The Color tab allows you to select the output color space, source color space, define the appropriate action when an error occurs, and select the desired transparency.
The availability of options varies, depending on whether the [Create a document that complies with PDF/X standards] option is selected in the General tab.
See also:
Importing a FreeFlow 5.0 workflow with a Color Manage node
FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide |