Workflow Builder
To configure Image Quality settings
The Hairline Correction feature thickens stroke lines within a document that may be too thin for printing purposes.
The Remove color trapping layers option allows you to eliminate color trap layers from the PDF. Color trap layers are originally intended to provide fill between two objects that abut in a document but end up printing with white space along the abutting borders. Color trap layers solve the issue by printing an overlapping border between the abutting objects.
2.Mark the checkbox for [Replace all hairlines narrower than] to enable the feature, and select or enter a threshold value.
•Inches: Default is 0. Maximum value is .0625 (1/16th inch).
•Pixels: Default is 0. Maximum value is 75 (1/16th inch on a 1200 dpi. printer).
•mm: Default is 0.0. Maximum value is 1.5875.
•Points: Default is 0. Maximum value is 4.5.
3.Select or enter a value to replace anything lower than threshold value.
•Inches: Default is 0.01389. Maximum value is .0625 (1/ 16th of an inch).
•Pixels: Default is 16.67. Maximum value is 75 (1/16th of an inch on a 1200 dpi. printer) .
•mm: Default is 0.3528. Maximum value is 1.5875.
•Points: Default is 1. Maximum value is 4.5.
4.Select the desired unit for the hairline correction: [inches], [pixels], [mm] or [points].
5.In the “Color Trapping” area, mark the check box for [Remove color trapping layers] to eliminate trap layers from the PDF.
NOTE: Removal of trap layers is supported for traps created by Prinergy, Prinect and Esko Graphics.
6.Select [Show job submitter the settings file name only.
Settings details will be hidden] to display only the Settiings File drop box to job submitters. All other dialog features are hidden.
7.Select [Always use these settings] to prevent users from modifying the settings. The settings will appear in the Workflow Submission Client controls but will be grayed out and unchangeable.
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