Workflow Job Manager
6.In the Format drop box, select the desired format. Options include:
•CSV comma delimited (*.csv), for database support such as Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel.
•XML (*.xml), a current method for data exchange used, for example, by database management systems and for VIPP printing.
7.In the Encoding drop box, select the encoding type for exporting the report. Options include:
•ANSI, which is compatible with older systems.
8.Select [OK] to close the window and export the report.
NOTE: The CSV file might display using the icon of an associated spreadsheet program.
See also:
Creating reports
Viewing a report
Purging report data
Purging report data
To help manage the database size, accounting data from deleted jobs can be removed from the database.
NOTE: Deleting jobs from the Workflow Job Manager window should not be confused with the Purge function.
Select [Purge] in the Reports dialog to display the Purge dialog, which includes the following options:
Never: Never removes accounting data.
Now: Removes data for deleted jobs upon clicking [OK].
Older than: Purges the records older than the specified value. If selected, the default is 365 days.
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