Workflow Submission Client
About submitting RDOs
The FreeFlow document type, RDO, stands for Raster Document Object. It is an electronic document that is made up of images. An RDO can contain several different types of images: TIFF, JPEG, and Adobe PDF. Images can be black and white, grayscale, or color.
Identifying the parts of an RDO
An RDO is a compound object (an object having many parts), but FreeFlow sees an RDO as a single document. The two main parts of an RDO are the RDO file and the .CON directory. The RDO part of the file contains all the information about how to organize the images in the document to produce the desired output, or appearance. The .CON directory part of the file contains all the images of the document. Each TIFF, JPEG, Adobe PDF, and file is stored as an individual file in the .CON directory.
When you open Windows Explorer and look for your documents, you see both parts of the RDO. For a document named Family, you see a file named Family.rdo and a directory named Family.con. In File Manager, you can view only the RDO. FreeFlow treats the parts of the RDO as a single document.
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