Workflow Builder
4.In the Source Color Space area, the following information applies to the CMYK, RGB, and Gray drop box options:
•Treat untagged [CMYK, RGB, or Gray] as: Assigns the selected ICC profile to all
•Treat managed [CMYK, RGB, or Gray] as: Available when “Manage Color Profiles” is selected in the “Change all colors in document” area. Assigns the selected ICC profile to all profiled [CMYK, RGB, or Gray] objects.
•Treat all [CMYK, RGB, or Gray] as: Assigns the selected ICC profile to both
•Don’t change ICC profiles for [CMYK, RGB, or Gray]: Available with “Manage Color Profiles” selection. Grays out the [CMYK, RGB, or Gray] profile. Preserves the original profile of [CMYK, RGB, or Gray] objects within the document.
Select the desired option from the following Source Color Space area drop boxes:
•[CMYK ICC Profile]
•[RGB ICC Profile]
•[Gray ICC Profile]
5.In the When a color space error occurs area, select from the following options:
–[Ignore] to disregard errors and move the job to the next workflow process.
–[Warn and continue] to note errors in the error log for the current job and move the file to the next workflow node.
–[Cancel job] to note errors in the error log for the current job and to halt the job. A fail message displays for the Optimize PDF node in Workflow Job Manager.
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