Workflow Builder
Building workflows
You can create Workflows from scratch or by duplicating, and then modifying, an existing workflow. To build or modify a workflow, you perform the following basic steps:
•Drag and drop process icons into the workspace. Processes move from left to right in the workflow.
•Configure the process settings, as needed, to meet the requirements of the workflow.
•Save and enable the workflow.
NOTE: All workflows are disabled after an upgrade or migration. A
Rules for building workflows
Apply the following rules when you sequence workflow process steps in the workspace:
Input is the first step in any workflow. Input is automatically displayed in the workspace when you begin a new workflow.
If Convert exists in a workflow, it must precede the following processes:
•PDF Optimize
•Bates Numbering
•Page Numbering
•Rotate Pages
•Flip Pages
FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide |