About FreeFlow Process Manager
To configure the Preps default workflow
1.Start PREPS.
2.Select [Edit: Preferences...] to display the Preferences dialog.
3.Select the [General] tab. In the Default workflow box, select [PDF
4.Select [OK] to close the Preferences dialog.
5.Select [Setup: Save Profile...] to display the Save Profile dialog.
6.In the Profile Name text box, ensure that “default” is entered, and select [OK] to save the profile.
7.If the message “Profile default already exists. Overwrite anyway.” displays, select [Yes].
8.Exit Preps.
9.The Save current configuration dialog prompts “Do you want to save the current configuration into the profile,” select [Yes]. Preps closes.
NOTE: The profile must be manually edited in a text editor to allow output to a PDF file. After completing steps
10.On the Process Manager server, locate the file “default.cfg” under <Preps Install dir>\Preps 5.2\Profiles\Default.
11.Open the file with a text editor.
b.In the Windows dialog, select [Select the program from a list], and select [OK].
c.In the Open With dialog, select Notepad, and select [OK].
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