Checking the status of a workflow,
Disabling a workflow,
Duplicating and modifying an existing workflow,
Editing workflow properties,
Fail branches in workflows,
Submitting a job to a hot folder,
Submitting a VPC file to a hot folder, 2- 166
Submitting an RDO to a hot folder, 2- 161
Submitting xml workflows files to a hot folder,
Error conditions for dynamic workflows,
Importing workflows,
Rules for building workflows,
Setting the number of concurrent processes,
Setting the number of copy count divisor, 2- 140
Setting up a watermark in an email attachment,
Setting up repository credentials,
Using third party external processes,
Adding or editing a
Adding or editing an external process, 2- 172
CLI Profile Setup dialog,
Deleting an external process profile, 2- 184
Managing external processes,
Moving or deleting an external process,
Setting up external processes,
Setting up third party input and output hot folders,
Workflow process icons,
About Workflow Job Manager,
Accessing Workflow Builder from Workflow Job Manager,
Accessing Workflow Submission Client from Workflow Job Manager,
Approving a job at a Review step,
Failing a job,
Logging into Workflow Job Manager,
Modifying the copy count,
Viewing and editing a document in Adobe Acrobat,
Viewing job instructions for an incoming third party job,
Viewing preflight results,
Viewing the JDF file for an incoming third party job,
Workflow Job Manager main window,
Jobs area columns,
Print Status descriptions,
Workflow process steps About Review,
About Input,
About Join,
Adding bates numbers,
Automatic Image Enhancement (AIE) settings,
Barcode settings,
Xerox FreeFlow Process Manager Administrator and Operator Guide |