Workflow Builder
Configuring Optimize settings
The Optimize process allows you to modify a PDF file to be PDF/X compliant, specify how fonts should be embedded, define PDF Box settings, configure spot color settings, manage color profiles, and configure image quality settings for hairline correction and the removal of color trapping layers.
You can have multiple instances of the Optimize node in a workflow. However, there is no conflict checking for multiple instances.
When working with
The Optimize Options dialog includes five tabs: General, PDF Boxes, Color, Spot Colors, and Image Quality. The availability of dialog options varies, depending on whether the [Create a document that complies with PDF/X standards] option is selected, for example:
•When compliance is selected, font embedding is automatically set to ON, and output compliance error handling is available.
•When compliance is not selected, font embedding is automatically set to OFF; Color Management is enabled, and independent use of the PDF Box is enabled.
See also:
To configure the General Optimize settings To configure the PDF Boxes settings
To configure the Color settings
To configure the Spot Colors settings To configure Image Quality settings Description of
Managing Color profiles
Ensuring Color Manage workflow consistency between the server and a remote client
Importing a FreeFlow 5.0 workflow with a Color Manage node
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