Workflow Builder
To set up a working directory
1.To access the Convert Settings dialog in Workflow Builder,
2.Select the Manual Conversion tab.
3.Select either [Enable manual QuarkXPress file (*.QXP, *.QXD) conversion.] or [Enable manual Adobe Creative Suite file (*.INDD, *.AI, *PSD) conversion.] to save files to the working directory for manual conversion to PDF. After conversion, files are saved to the working directory using the given file name.
4.To set up a Working Directory in which to save and convert the files to PDF, select [Browse]. Perform one of the following:
NOTE: You may be prompted for a login and password if you attempt to access a mapped location.
NOTE: If you are using hot folders to support other FreeFlow Process Manager features, such as job submission and third party external processes, refer to the topic Limitations when setting up directories as input/output hot folders for more than one feature.
•In the Browse For Folder dialog, navigate to the desired folder, and select [OK].
•Select Make New Folder, name the folder, and select [OK].
5.Enter an address in the Email Notification Address text box. The recipient will be automatically notified that a document is waiting to be manually converted to a PDF.
6.Select [Always use these settings] to prevent users from modifying the settings. The settings will appear in the Workflow Submission Client controls but will be grayed out and unchangeable.
7.Select [OK].
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