Chapter 9: Call Recording Configuration
AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual 113
Important: If you are using FTP protocol, the FTP server must be installed and
configured properly on the same machine as the Central Location
An FTP folder must be created for the Central Location, so that it can
be fully accessible through FTP.
The FTP Path must be pointed to the Central Location.
Note: Important note for Windows 2003 Server users using a remote shared
directory: Refer to the steps described in “Using a Remote Shared Directory”
on page 113.
4. If you are using multiple gateways, and you are not using network attached storage,
check AltiGateways Use FTP Protocol to Transmit Recorded Files to Central
a. FTP Server—Enter the IP address of the FTP server.
b. FTP Access Account—An FTP server account name that AltiGateways can log
in to.
c. FTP Path—Enter the directory that the files will be transmitted to on the FTP
d. Password—FTP account password.
5. Click the FTP Test button to verify that login to the FTP server is successful.
6. When you are finished configuring, click OK.
Note: To allow supervisors to record an agent’s personal call, check the appropriate
check box on the System Configuration General tab. For more information, see
“Setting General Parameters” on page 52.
Using a Remote Shared Directory
It is strongly recommended that you use VRManager to manage centralized recording
and that you save recordings to a local drive or network attached storage on the
AltiGateway that is running AltiServ. If you save recordings to a network drive, and the
network becomes unstable, you could lose any files of conversations being recorded at
that time.
However, if you need to use a remote shared directory, and you are using Windows 2003
Server, follow the steps below: