
alternate clock selection, 9-16detection, 9-16

reset, 9-16

stop mode, 9-17loss-of-lock

conditions, 9-15reset, 9-15

multiplication factor divider (MFD), 9-13operation, 9-12

1-1 mode, 9-2normal mode, 9-1

phase and frequency detector (PFD), 9-12voltage control output (VCO), 9-13

Porting code, 2-16Power management

features, 7-1low-power modes, 7-5

doze, 7-6peripheral behavior

chip configuration module, 7-11chip select module, 7-8

clock module, 7-11

ColdFire Flash module, 7-7,7-15core, 7-7

debug, 7-16

DMA controller, 7-8DMA timers, 7-9EPORT, 7-12Ethernet, 7-10FlexCAN, 7-13

general purpose timers, 7-13GPIO, 7-10

I2C, 7-9

interrupt controller, 7-10JTAG, 7-16

programmable interrupt timers, 7-12QADC, 7-12

QSPI, 7-9

reset controller, 7-10SCM, 7-7

SDRAM controller, 7-8SRAM, 7-7

UART modules, 7-8watchdog timer, 7-12

run, 7-6stop, 7-6summary, 7-16wait, 7-6

memory map, 7-2programming model, 7-1registers

low-power control (LPCR), 7-4low-power interrupt control (LPICR), 7-2

Prescaler divide (PRESDIV) bits, 25-25


Privilege violation exception, 2-14Processor status, 29-3,29-40Program counter, 2-3Programmable interrupt timers

block diagram, 19-1interrupts, 19-8memory map, 19-3operation

free-running, 19-7low-power modes, 7-12,19-2set-and-forget, 19-6

overview, 19-1registers

control and status (PCSR), 19-4count (PCNTR), 19-6modulus (PMR), 19-5

timeout, 19-7Programming model, 2-2

cache, 4-7

chip configuration module, 30-3debug, 29-5

EMAC, 2-5

EPORT, 7-1Ethernet, 17-20I2C, 24-6

power management, 7-1QSPI, 22-9

Pulse accumulator

event counter mode, 20-18gated time accumulation, 20-19input interrupt, 20-22overflow interrupt, 20-22

PULSE instruction, 29-3



A/D converter bias, 27-37

block diagram, 27-35channel decode, 27-36comparator, 27-37cycle times, 27-35multiplexer, 27-36operation, 27-34sample buffer, 27-36state machine, 27-37

analog inputs, 27-73analog subsystem, 27-34analog supply

filtering, 27-67grounding, 27-67block diagram, 27-2

boundary conditions, 27-49digital control subsystem, 27-37


MCF5282 User’s Manual


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Motorola MCF5281, MCF5282 user manual Index-9