Configuring Multicast VLAN 145
[SwitchB-vlan10] igmp-snooping enable
[SwitchB-vlan10] quit
#Configure Ethernet 1/0/10 as a Hybrid port, assign it to VLAN 2, VLAN 3 and VLAN 10, and configure it to send packets of VLAN 2, VLAN 3, and VLAN 10 with the respective VLAN tags kept.
[SwitchB] interface Ethernet1/0/10
#Configure Ethernet 1/0/1 as a Hybrid port, assign it to VLAN 2 and VLAN 10, and configure it to send packets of VLAN 2 and VLAN 10 without VLAN tags. Configure VLAN 2 as the default VLAN.
[SwitchB] interface Ethernet1/0/1
#Configure Ethernet 1/0/2 as a Hybrid port, assign it to VLAN 3 and VLAN 10, and configure it to send packets of VLAN 3 and VLAN 10 without VLAN tags. Configure VLAN 3 as the default VLAN.
[SwitchB] interface Ethernet1/0/2
Complete Configuration Configuration on Switch A
ip address igmp enable
pim dm
ip address pim dm
interface Ethernet1/0/1 port access vlan 20
interface Ethernet1/0/10 port
Configuration on Switch B