Installing a Signaling Server Page 405 of 456
Figure 146
Date and time
CS 1000 Signaling Server Software Install Tool
You should ensure the system date and time are correct prior to installation, since all files copied or created during install will be
You can press <CR> to accept the current values.
Current date is: FRIDAY
Enter new date (dd mm yyyy): 04 04 2006
Date is set to: MONDAY
Current time is: 09:47:18
Enter new time (hh mm ss): 08 38 30
Time is set to: 08:38:30
Current date and time is:
•When reinstalling the software on an existing system, the system verifies the file systems. The disk check reports:
Filesystems verification succeeded.
The system summary appears (Figure 147 on page 406). Enter a to continue the installation.
Note: For a new installation, the data fields in the system summary are blank.
Communication Server 1000M and Meridian 1 Large System Installation and Commissioning