Installing DC power Page 111 of 456
Note 1: In some equipment sites, depending on the grounding topology and the size of the building, the floor ground bar (FGB) and the building principal ground (BPG) may be the same busbar.
Note 2: In some equipment sites, depending on the grounding topology, the power plant BRR ground bar may be determined as being the SPG. Then, the BRR lead is usually run to the FGB.
Cabling and connecting the ground leads involves:
1“Connecting the power plant frame ground (or safety ground) leads” on page 111
2“Installing safety ground/protective earth wiring” on page 123
Connecting the power plant frame ground (or safety ground) leads
Unless specifically instructed otherwise in the specifications or by the Customer, the frame ground leads, also referred to as the safety ground leads, are usually connected using the approach described in Procedure 7 and as shown in Figure 37 on page 114 and Figure 38 on page 115.
Communication Server 1000M and Meridian 1 Large System Installation and Commissioning