15 Problem Solving
Cause | Confirmation Method | Action |
The specified transmission | Check whether the | Specify the correct |
speed is different from the | transmission speed is | transmission speed. |
transmission speed of the | specified correctly. |
network. |
The client and machine are in | Check whether the source | Activate the source routing. |
different rings connected via | routing is specified correctly. |
a bridge, and the source |
routing is inactivated. |
The data format of the print |
| Specify PSASC as the printer |
job does not match the print |
| name. |
environment of the client | – |
(print data sent from the |
client contains TBCP). |
The data format of the print |
| Set the logical printer name |
job does not match the print |
| to PSBIN to print a binary file |
environment of the client | – | in the PostScript language. |
(print data sent from the |
| |
| |
client is in the binary |
notation). |
Print paper is out. | Check the paper refilling | Load the paper into the paper |
| message on the control | tray. When changing the |
| panel. | paper size, specify the new |
| size, if required. |
The selected transport | Check the transport protocol | Select the transport protocol |
protocol does not match the | selected from the control | matching the client. |
client. | panel. |
When the required printing result is not obtained |
Cause | Confirmation Method | Action |
The specified print language | Check the specified print | Specify a print language |
is different from the print | language and the print | matching that of the print |
language of the print data. | language of the print data. | data. |