This section explains the troubleshooting procedures and restrictions while using TCP/IP.
The possible causes, confirmation methods, and actions are as follows.
When using Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows Server 2003/
Windows Vista
When printing fails
Cause | Confirmation Method | Action |
The correct IP address is not | Check whether the IP | Specify the correct IP |
specified. | address of the machine is | address for the machine. |
| correct. |
When [Receiving Buffer - | Check the maximum | When the print data size |
LPD] is set to [Spool to | receiving data size on the | exceeds the maximum size in |
Memory], the size of print | touch screen of the machine, | one file, divide the file into |
data sent in one print request | and then compare it with the | smaller files than the |
exceeds the maximum size | size of print data to be sent | maximum receiving data |
specified. | as one request. | size, and then send the print |
| request again. |
| When the print data size |
| exceeds the maximum size in |
| multiple files, reduce the |
| number of files to be printed |
| at one time. |
A fault occurred during print | Check the error message on | Switch the machine off and |
processing. | the touch screen. | on, and then retry printing. |
The selected transport | Check the selected transport | Select a transport protocol |
protocol does not conform | protocol on the touch screen. | conforming with the client. |
with the client. |
The print data format to be |
| Disable the output function of |
processed by the machine | – | |
does not match the data |
| |
| |
format sent from the client. |
When the required printing result is not obtained |
Cause | Confirmation Method | Action |
The specified print language | Check the specified print | Specify a print language |
is different from the print | language and the print | matching that of the print |
language of the print data. | language of the print data. | data. |
The print driver that | Check whether the print | Select the print driver that |
accompanies the machine is | driver that accompanies the | accompanies the machine. If |
not being used (a third party | machine is selected. | the print driver is not found, |
print driver is being used). |
| install and select it. If a third |
| party print driver is used, you |
| may have unexpected |
| results. |