Internet Fax Installation
–POP3 Server Name/IP Address
–POP3 Port Number
–POP3 Polling Interval
–POP3 Login Name
–POP3 Password
–POP Password Encryption
–SMTP Server Name/IP Address
–SMTP Server Port Number
–SMTP AUTH Login Name
–SMTP AUTH Password
–Domain Filtering
–Domain 1 to 50
•[Other Settings]
–Output Destination for
•[Security Settings] > [S/MIME Settings]
–Device Certificate - S/MIME
–S/MIME Communication
–Receive Untrusted
–Receive Untrusted Internet Fax
–Message Digest Algorithm
–Message Encryption Method
–Digital Signature - Outgoing
–Signature - Outgoing Internet Fax
–Certificate Auto Store
3.Select [Save].
Test Internet Fax
To make sure that Internet Fax has been set up successfully, perform the following steps:
1.Load a document.
2.Select [Internet Fax] on the All Services screen.
3.Select the required features for the job.
4.Enter the
5.Press the <Start> button.