21. Serial Communication Interface with FIFO (SCIF)
Rev.1.00 Jan. 10, 2008 Page 1051 of 1658
21.3.6 Serial Control Register (SCSCR) SCSCR is a register used to enable/disable transmission/reception by SCIF, serial clock output, interrupt requests, and to select transmission/reception clock source for the SCIF. SCSCR can always be read from and written to by the CPU.
01234567891011121315 14
Initial value:
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
15 to 8 — All 0 R Reserved
These bits are always read as 0. The write value
should always be 0.
7 TIE 0 R/W Transmit Interrupt Enable
Enables or disables transmit-FIFO-data-empty interrupt
(TXI) request generation when serial transmit data is
transferred from SCFTDR to SCTSR, the number of
data bytes in SCFTDR falls to or below the transmit
trigger setting count, and the TDFE flag in SCFSR is
set to 1.
TXI interrupt requests can be released by the following
methods: Either by reading 1 from the TDFE flag in
SCFSR, writing transmit data exceeding the transmit
trigger setting count to SCFTDR and then clearing the
TDFE flag in SCFSR to 0, or by clearing the TIE bit to
0: Transmit-FIFO-data-empty interrupt (TXI) request
1: Transmit-FIFO-data-empty interrupt (TXI) request