27. NAND Flash Memory Controller (FLCTL)
Rev.1.00 Jan. 10, 2008 Page 1372 of 1658
(2) Status Read of NAND-Type Flash Memory (2048 + 64 Bytes)
The status read of NAND-type flash memory can be performed by inputting the command H'70 to
NAND-type flash memory. When the DOSR bit in FLCMDCR is set to 1 and writing is performed
in command access mode or sector access mode, the FLCTL automatically inputs H'70 to NAND-
type flash memory and status read is performed. During the status read of NAND-type flash
memory, the I/O7 to I/O0 pins indicate the following information as shown in table 27.5.
Table 27.5 Status Read of NAND-Type Flash Memory (2048 + 64 Bytes)
I/O Status (Definition) Description
I/O7 Write protection 0: Cannot be written
1: Can be written
I/O6 Ready/busy 0: Busy state
1: Ready state
I/O5 Ready/busy 0: Busy state
1: Ready state
I/O4 to I/O1 Reserved 0
I/O0 Write/erase 0: Pass
1: Fail