23. Serial Peripheral Interface (HSPI)
Rev.1.00 Jan. 10, 2008 Page 1160 of 1658
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
3 RXOW 0 R/W* Receive Buffer Overrun Warning Flag
This status flag is set to 1 when a new serial data
transfer has started before the previous received data is
read from SPRBR. The RXOW remains set to 1 until
writing 0 to this bit position.
If RXOW= 1 and ROIE = 1, an interrupt is generated.
2 RXFL 0 R Receive Buffer Full Status Flag
This status flag indicates that new data is available in
the SPRBR and has not yet been read. It is set to 1
when the shift register contents are loaded into the
SPRBR in the end of a serial bus transfer. This bit is
cleared to 0 by reading SPRBR.
1 TXFN 0 R Transmit Complete Status Flag
This status flag indicates that the last transmission has
been completed. It is set to 1 when SPTBR is ready to
accept data from the peripheral bus. This bit is cleared
to 0 by writing data to SPTBR.
If TXFN = 1 and TFIE = 1, an interrupt is generated.
0 TXFL 0 R Transmit Buffer Full Status Flag
This status flag indicates the SPTBR stores data that
has not been transmitted. It is set to 1 when SPTBR is
written with data from the peripheral bus. This bit is
cleared to 0 when SPTBR is ready to accept data from
the peripheral bus.
Note: * These bits are readable/writable bits. Writing 0 initializes these bits to the initial values
of respective bits, while writing 1 is ignored.