22. Serial I/O with FIFO (SIOF)
Rev.1.00 Jan. 10, 2008 Page 1120 of 1658
22.3.9 FIFO Control Register (SIFCTR) SIFCTR is a 16-bit readable/writable register that indicates the area available for the transmit/receive FIFO transfer.
01234567891011121315 14
Initial value:
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
15 to 13 TFWM[2:0] 000 R/W Transmit FIFO Watermark
000: Issue a transfer request when 16 stages of the
transmit FIFO are empty.
001: Setting prohibited
010: Setting prohibited
011: Setting prohibited
100: Issue a transfer request when 12 or more stages
of the transmit FIFO are empty.
101: Issue a transfer request when 8 or more stages of
the transmit FIFO are empty.
110: Issue a transfer request when 4 or more stages of
the transmit FIFO are empty.
111: Issue a transfer request when 1 or more stages of
transmit FIFO are empty. Setting prohibited when
using the DMA transfer.
• A transfer request to the transmit FIFO is issued by
the TDREQE bit in SISTR.
• The transmit FIFO is always used as 16 stages of
the FIFO regardless of these bit settings.
12 to 8 TFUA[4:0] 10000 R Transmit FIFO Usable Area
These bits indicate the number of words that can be
transferred by the CPU or DMAC as B'00000 (full) to
B'10000 (empty).