
Less Than or Equals Flag, 308

Linear Counter, 154

linear counter CCW rotation, 201 CW rotation, 201

Linear Counter Mode, 205 linear mode, 180

logic instructions execution times, 367


Maximum Cycle Time, 116 MCRO(099) instruction, 265 Measuring Flag, 340, 341, 355 Memory Backup Status Window, 119 Memory Error Flag, 248, 345, 349 memory map, 361

Memory Not Held Flag, 345, 350 momentary power interruption, 100 MONITOR mode, 99 monitoring, 14

Motion Control Module Monitoring Error Flag, 249, 345, 349

Motion Control Modules, 95 built-in I/O refreshing, 98 connections, 70 connectors

pin arrangement, 68 constant cycle time, 115 current consumption, 46 Cyclic Refresh Area, 107

data exchange with Coordinator Modules, 105 dimensions, 43

I/O memory, 301

I/O memory structure, 301 I/O response time, 294 indicators, 38

interrupt processing time, 296 interrupt response time, 295 models, 32

overview, 5, 7 specifications, 37 System Setup, 112 troubleshooting, 257


Negative Flag, 285, 308

No END Error Flag, 344, 350 noise reduction

electrical noise, 85 external wiring, 86 non-fatal errors, 121, 249

no-protocol communications, 9, 10, 13, 124, 129 end code, 130

RS-232C port, 129 RS-422A port, 136 start code, 130

Not Equal Flag, 308

NT Links, 9, 10, 124 1-to-N mode, 131


one-shot pulse outputs, 167, 176, 188 example, 194

specifications, 169, 177

operands constants, 274 description, 270 specifying, 272 text strings, 275

operating modes, 99

effects of mode changes on counters, 306 effects of mode changes on timers, 306

operation checking, 16 checking operation, 14 preparations, 13 testing, 14, 17

output instructions execution times, 362

Overflow Flag, 308

Overrun Error Flag, 350, 351


Parameter Area, 310, 361 overview, 299

Parity Error Flag, 350, 351

password protection, 119

Peripheral Bus (Toolbus), 9, 125 connections, 65


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Omron FQM1-MMP21, FQM1-CM001, FQM1-MMA21 operation manual 381