Acc/Dec Pattern 1 – 4
Program ⇒ Special ⇒ Acc/Dec Special
Four Acceleration times and four Deceleration times may be set up and run individually. Accel/Decel Time #1 – #4 may be selected using this parameter setting or switched via threshold frequencies, or by discrete input terminal.
This parameter is used to select one of the four configured accel/decel profiles to be used.
1 — Acc/Dec #1
2 — Acc/Dec #2
3 — Acc/Dec #3
4 — Acc/Dec #4
Each Accel/Decel selection is comprised of an Acceleration Time, Deceleration Time, and a Pattern selection. Selection 1, 2, and 3 have a Switching Frequency setting. The Switching Frequency is used as a threshold frequency that, once reached, the ASD switches to the next higher Acc/Dec selection (i.e., 1 to 2, 2 to 3, or 3 to 4). Switching Frequency settings are also used during deceleration. A switching frequency setting is not required for Acc/Dec #4.
Acc/Dec #1 is set up using parameters F009 (Acc Time), F010 (Dec Time), F502 (Pattern), and F505 (Switching Frequency).
Direct Access Number — F504
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 1
Changeable During Run — Yes
Table 4.
Using combinations of discrete terminal activations Accel/Decel profiles
Acc/Dec Switching Truth
A/D SW 1 | A/D SW 2 | Acc/Dec # Out |
0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 2 |
1 | 0 | 3 |
1 | 1 | 4 |
1 = Discrete terminal activation.
Acc/Dec #2 is set up using parameters F500 (Acc Time), F501 (Dec Time), F503 (Pattern), and F513 (Switching Frequency).
Acc/Dec #3 is set up using parameters F510 (Acc Time), F511 (Dec Time), F512 (Pattern), and F517 (Switching Frequency).
Acc/Dec #4 is set up using parameters F514 (Acc Time), and F515 (Dec Time), F516 (Pattern).
This parameter (F504) is used to manually select Acc/Dec #1 – #4.
To switch using the Terminal Board, assign the functions Acc/Dec Switching 1 and Acc/Dec Switching 2 to two discrete input terminals. Activation combinations of the two terminals result in the Acc/Dec #1 – #4 selections as shown in Table 4.
Figure 30 shows the setup requirements and the resulting output frequency response when using Switching Frequency settings to control the Acc/Dec response of the ASD output.
While operating using S-Pattern 1 the system performance may be further enhanced by the adjustment of parameters F506 – F509. These settings provide for upper and lower Acc/Dec limit adjustments. These settings are used to extend or shorten the upper or lower Acc/Dec curve.
If operating from the Local mode, press Esc from the Frequency Command screen to access this parameter.
Figure 30. Using Acc/Dec Switching.
1 — Accel time 1 (F009 setting)
2 — Accel time 2 (F500 setting)
3 — Accel time 3 (F510 setting)
4 — Accel time 4 (F514 setting)
5 — Decel time 4 (F515 setting)
6 — Decel time 3 (F511 setting)
7 — Decel time 2 (F501 setting)
8 — Decel time 1 (F010 setting)
Accel/Decel Switching Frequency 1
Program ⇒ Special ⇒ Accel/Decel Special
This parameter sets the frequency at which the acceleration control is switched from the Accel #1 profile to the Accel #2 profile during a
Direct Access Number — F505
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (F011)
Units — Hz
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