16 - 2 Reports
Issue 3 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited
The system can store a file for each of the last 365 days, but to conserve
disk space you should set the value in the Call Report Aging field to no
more than 31 days.
If you choose a start date for a report that is earlier than the number of days
in the Call Report Aging field, the report covers only the number of days in
the field. Always check the top of the report to find the actual start and stop
dates for the re port.
USAGE REPORTS Usage reports give you a picture of how much the voice mail system is
being used over time. You can run a usage report for an indi vidual gu est,
subscriber, Extension # ID, or System ID. You can also track usage of the
entire voice mail system. You can create the report as a bar graph or a
table. Specify a range of days to be cove red by the report.
The Usage Bar Graph Reports
For an individual guest, subscriber, Extension # ID, or System ID, the
bar graph shows the percentage of each hour tha t the person or box
was using the voice mail system. Refer to Figure 16-2 Sample
Subscriber Usage Bar Graph Report. This percentage is equ al to the
number of minutes the person or box used the system, divided by 60
Figure 16-2 Sample Subscriber Usage Bar Graph Report
When you run a usage re port on a sub scriber n ame o r Perso nal ID ,
the report shows all usage f or that mailbox. However, you can crea te
a report that shows usag e just for a subscriber m essage box (calls
from outside callers) by running the re port by Extension # ID.